
COVID-19 mortality in the California Teacher Study

Ethan Bouche

Online MPH student Ethan Bouche was able to contribute to a large-scale research project as a distance-learner. He described his analysis of COVID-19 mortality within the California Teachers Study, exploring the pandemic's role in excess deaths and shifts in leading causes of death among participants.

Photo of Sword Lake in Hanoi, Vietnam

The international problem of mental healthcare

Kieu Anh Phan

"Growing up in Vietnam, I had never heard of the concept of mental health. But after a traumatic experience traveling home during COVID and being placed in a quarantine camp, my mind fell into a very dark place. There were very limited, if any, therapists or psychiatrists in my home country."

Maeve Jones, my sister, feeding my Grandpa. He suffered a stroke in September of 2019 and was in a skilled nursing facility from then until he passed in December of 2021. He declined more rapidly during COVID, and this picture was taken 6 months before his passing. Photo courtesy of Melissa Jones

The reality of COVID-19 in assisted living facilities

Morgan Jones

“In my year and a half working at a nursing home, I bonded with many residents while also watching many of them pass. The relationships I formed were very personally impactful, but I realized that we could be doing more to address the systemic issues affecting nursing homes.”