
John Harvey Kellogg. , ca. 1914. July 17. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2002715785/.

"To Rid Society of Imbeciles": The Impact of Dr. John Harvey Kellogg's Stand for Eugenics

Elizabeth Stout

When people think of eugenics, what most often comes to mind is Hitler’s persecution of Jews during World War II, but the American eugenics movement began significantly before and a doctor in Michigan played a significant role. Understanding the history of eugenics in the United States is important, and can help us be more vigilant in ensuring that a similar movement does not start in the future.

Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, Chief Medical Executive for the State of Michigan

Lessons from a Pandemic: Leading with Science

Joneigh Khaldun, BS ’02

Every day is different for Joneigh Khaldun, who leads the state of Michigan’s response to the pandemic and many other public health initiatives. Khaldun grew up in Michigan, received medical training on the east coast, and returned to her home state to do what she always wanted to do—support and improve the health of Michigan communities.


Online MPH Students Tackle Real COVID-19 Issues in the Virtual Classroom

MPH Students Reflect on COVID-19 Simulation Coursework

As the coronavirus pandemic swept across the nation, University of Michigan School of Public Health online master’s students in Population and Health Sciences had the unique opportunity to use what they’ve learned through coursework in a real-world public health simulation focused on controlling the coronavirus pandemic.

A split illustration of a factory, a woman driving a car, and and office space.

Stacking Protections against Disease: What Do Driving a Car and Occupational Health Have to Do with the Coronavirus?

Aurora Le

Preventing the spread of disease is essential for our health. So is having a steady income. To get us back to work safely, occupational health experts are helping us “stack” protective measures—use multiple layers of safeguards—to truly protect workers, clients, patients, and visitors from the potential harms of environmental exposures on the job and in other spaces we frequent.