Industrial Hygiene

A fieldworker holds a box of freshly harvested strawberries

Pesticide exposure may be a risk factor for poor sleep health

Astrid Zamora

Nutritional Sciences PhD candidate Astrid Zamora has vivid memories of her Abuela coming home from working in the fields, experiencing intense pain, burning sensations, and trouble breathing. These ailments were the result of long-term exposure to pesticides. Now, an extensive body of research shows that occupational exposure to pesticides is detrimental to human health, including sleep health. Zamora explores two studies she was involved in exploring the links between pesticide exposure and poor sleep health.

A split illustration of a factory, a woman driving a car, and and office space.

Stacking Protections against Disease: What Do Driving a Car and Occupational Health Have to Do with the Coronavirus?

Aurora Le

Preventing the spread of disease is essential for our health. So is having a steady income. To get us back to work safely, occupational health experts are helping us “stack” protective measures—use multiple layers of safeguards—to truly protect workers, clients, patients, and visitors from the potential harms of environmental exposures on the job and in other spaces we frequent.