
Elderly Loneliness

A Loneliness Epidemic among Older Americans

Vidhi Verma

Social relationships are key to healthy aging, but more than 42 million American adults say they feel lonely. What can the US learn from other developed countries when it comes to supporting our aging population and preventing loneliness?

Dana Greene kneeling on the Diag

One Year After

Dana Greene, Jr.

On September 25, 2017, master's student Dana Greene, Jr., took a knee on the University of Michigan Diag for over 20 hours to protest police brutality and hate crimes across the country and the climate on campus. One year later, he reflects back on this moment and what it meant to him and the community around him.


FDA Approves HPV Vaccine for Those Up to Age 45

Nina Masters, MPH ‘18

The FDA recently approved an HPV vaccine called Gardasil 9 for individuals up to age 45. Why is this important and how might this expanded age range affect relatively low uptake rates for this cancer-preventing vaccine?

pills, money, and stethoscope

The Workplace Costs of Not Taking Your Medication

Peter Geppert and Ryan Zayance

Many chronic clinical conditions have elaborate and costly treatment protocols, including prescriptions for medications. What are the costs to employees and employers when treatment plans are not followed?