
Isa Header

Nutrition as an Intervention for Depression and Anxiety?

Isa Kujawski

The emerging field of “nutritional psychiatry” explores nutrition interventions for use alleviating symptoms of mental disorders, namely anxiety and depression. With Mental Health Awareness Month is full swing, explore recent research with recent graduate Isa Kujawski.

Weight Loss

The Juxtaposition of Weight Stigma and Obesity

Anna Jones

Reflecting on her own experiences with weight stigma and obesity, Michigan Public Health alumna Anna Jones explores the detrimental effect stigmas have on health and well-being, and the approach she envisions for better care and treatment options.

Intuitive Eating: The Non-diet Is the Best Diet

Intuitive Eating: The Non-Diet Is the Best Diet

Emily Compton

Intuitive eating isn’t a diet, but it offers a sustainable solutions to weight maintenance and many physical, psychological, and behavioral benefits. Learn more about this non-diet.

Probiotics for Kids

Are Probiotics Right for Your Child?

Emily Bair

Recently, a good friend of mine with young children asked me, “what do you think about probiotics for kids?” My nutrition courses had explored the use of probiotics for adult medical nutrition therapy and their benefits for premature infants but I was less aware of their potential benefits for young children or adolescents, so I decided to investigate. Here’s what I found.


Discovering Your Kitchen's Unsung Heroes: Using Food as Medicine

Natalie Manitius

The next time you feel a scratchy throat coming on, or a stressful event in your wake, consider putting nature’s medicines to the test. Explore the ways food, when used properly, has the power to heal, with Michigan Public Health student Natalie.