Four Hands: Mother, Baby, Father, Doctor.

Shifting perspectives: A personal story of maternal health and outcomes

Jessie Nelson

“I stepped into the all-familiar Michigan Medicine hospital. This time, however, my perspective was more than a little bit different. I had wandered these halls just weeks prior—not as a patient, but as a medical student. Now, I entered as an expectant mother.”


Singapore's COVID resurgence highlights need to protect vulnerable populations

Mohamad Ramli

In the fall of 2021, Singapore had one of the highest national vaccination rates around the globe. Despite this success, and vigilant COVID-19-related safety measures, the small nation has continued to struggle under the burden that the pandemic has put on its various care systems. One social worker reflects on the impact experienced by some of the country's vulnerable populations.

Rubyan online teaching

Expanding Access to Understanding Health Management and Policy through Online Learning

Michael Rubyan

The expansion of higher education into the online environment has the potential to increase access for students and open doors for innovations in teaching. A seasoned expert in developing online courses in public health, Michael Rubyan shares some of the techniques and tools he has leveraged to make learning public health in the virtual classroom a unique and engaging experience.

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Recognizing Michigan Public Health's Online Learning Community

The University of Michigan School of Public Health proudly celebrates National Distance Learning Week from November 8 - 13, 2021. During National Distance Learning Week we recognize the students, faculty, and staff who make up our online public health community.

Health care worker taking a patient's blood pressure in a clinic

Should I take the COVID vaccine as a minority?

Anita Pandit, MS ’16

How are managing mental health and receiving a COVID vaccine similar? They both require minorities to have some level of trust in health sciences and the people administering their health care. Alum Anita Pandit walks us through the good and the bad reasons not getting a vaccine—and why she will be getting one.

Katherine Hoffman at her desk in the biostatistics and epidemiology division at Weill Cornell Medicine.

On the sidelines: New York's COVID-19 outbreak from the eyes of a Biostatistician

Katherine Hoffman, MS ’18

It's March. An early-career biostatistician at a large medical facility, alum Katherine Hoffman is living through New York City’s explosive COVID-19 outbreak. As the statistician for a pulmonary and critical care team, she is quickly pulled into COVID-19 work. Her hospital is running out of ventilators. She is told to drop all other research projects for COVID-19 work. This is her story.