Health for Women

construction worker working on a roof

Labor Organizing: An Unexpected Avenue to Health Equity

Leah R. Abrams, MPH ’17

Inequities in socioeconomic status or class are an essential cause of health differences in the US. On the surface, labor organizations might not appear to be about public health, but any group that aims to reduce social inequality is ultimately helping to reduce health disparities.

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Is Cow's Milk Essential for Human Health?

Chloe Pawloski

Is the consumption of cow’s milk essential for proper health? For decades, the USDA has been recommending multiple daily servings of dairy. How can humans consume all required nutrients from a diet free of dairy?

the interior of a prison block seen through prison bars

Inadequate Health Care: A Significant Problem Affecting Incarcerated Women

Danya Ziazadeh, BS '19

The United States prison system is generally built on a male-specific model, leaving many correctional facilities significantly unprepared to meet the unique biological, psychological, and social health needs of women. This has a negative impact on the health of female inmate populations and presents a challenge that must be addressed.

Family walking down the street

Making Family Planning a Household Name: The Legacy of Title X

Chloe Bakst

Title X provides for a diverse array of services, including medical care like contraception, training for nurses and other care providers, and systematic data collection. Despite fifty years of shrinking financial support, can it continue to be successful?

Mother and baby unit

On Toughness and Apathy

Clara Schriemer

High-stress health care environments can cause health care workers to establish emotional barriers between patients, work, and self—especially in communities where resources for dealing with trauma are scarce. In an award-winning essay, Clara Schriemer reflects on her time working in a maternity ward in Ghana—an opportunity for intercultural exchange and self-reflection that helped her better understand the role emotional barriers play in her own life.