
People holding a sign that says

Coronavirus and Immigration: ICE Reductions Are Too Little, Too Late

William D. Lopez and Nicole L. Novak

In the face of decades of mistrust and fear, the operational changes proposed by ICE are paltry. Now more than ever, say Lopez and Novak, is the time to prioritize human dignity and public health and to allow immigrant communities to shelter safely in place.

Train tracks in downtown Atlanta before the belt line was created

Can Green Space Be Good for Everyone?

Lauren Balotin

Do urban green spaces improve health or widen health disparities? How can cities avoid eco-gentrification and ensure all members of the community provide input when designing greening interventions?

Presenters and other participants in the University of Michigan’s Conference on Race and the Incidence of Environmental Hazards in front of the Dana Building, 1990.

Grass Roots: The Sustainable Shifts that Lead to Environmental Justice

Todd Ziegler, MS ’15

When civil rights leaders, environmentalists, and researchers converged on the university in 1990 for the Conference on Race and the Incidence of Environmental Hazards, they were part of a much larger movement focusing the nation on environmental justice.

Illustration of people talking

Changing the Narrative around a Changing Climate

Ashley Bieniek-Tobasco, BS ’11, MPH ’13, DrPH

Do fear-inducing representations of climate change actually motivate people to take action? As the influence of popular media grows, communicators across the sciences have an opportunity and a responsibility to shift climate conversations from messages of doom to narratives of hope.