Mental Health

Solitary Confinement in a Prison

Solitary Confinement of Adolescents: A Mental Health Crisis

Madison Polay, BS '19

Though an Obama-era executive order prohibits solitary confinement of juveniles in the federal prison system, in part because of negative mental health implications, state prison systems not subject to federal regulation continue to isolate minors. Michigan Public Health graduate Madison Polay explores the issue and the need for critical policy change.

stressed teenage student sitting outside of school

Bridging the Gap: Connecting Public Health and Public Schools to Support Students

Laura Hollander, MPH '19

Many Michigan public schools are under pressure to improve student grades and test scores. But currently the connection between student grades and student health is under-recognized. To improve student health, schools should include public health programs about mental and behavioral health in classrooms.


Who's Smoking Now, and Why It Matters

Ken Warner

1 of every 7 adults still smokes. And smoking kills nearly 500,000 Americans every year. That number exceeds the total of all deaths caused by opioids and other drugs, alcohol, motor vehicle injuries, homicide, suicide, HIV/AIDS, and fires. What populations are most affected by smoking? What can be done to prevent smoking related deaths?

Public health worker at disaster relief camp

Fighting Climate Change Effects with Public Health

Kelly Broen

As the frequency and intensity of natural disasters increases, public health can provide life-saving support in the aftermath. Disaster response research might not fall neatly into a single academic discipline, but we cannot allow disaster relief to fall through the cracks.

Depressed man

The SADdest Time of the Year?

Mahasweta Mitra

About six of every 100 Americans is affected by seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a recurrent form of major depression, characterized by feelings of hopelessness and despair, fatigue, problems sleeping and concentrating, and changes in appetite. Here’s what you need to know about SAD this winter.

parents with baby

Will New Postpartum Care Standards Help Moms?

Clara Schriemer

While maternal mortality rates are declining in all developed countries around the world, maternal deaths continue to increase in the US. However, new postpartum care guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists may be an essential step toward improving maternal health.