Health Care Policy

vaccines and syringes

Vaccines and Wealth: Another Take on the Unvaccinated

Sharoni Bandyopadhyay

With outbreaks in thirty states, debate surrounding vaccine safety and vaccine refusal has stirred. How do we continue to keep everyone safe from diseases we know how to prevent and what role do wealth disparities play vaccine non-compliance?

Solitary Confinement in a Prison

Solitary Confinement of Adolescents: A Mental Health Crisis

Madison Polay, BS '19

Though an Obama-era executive order prohibits solitary confinement of juveniles in the federal prison system, in part because of negative mental health implications, state prison systems not subject to federal regulation continue to isolate minors. Michigan Public Health graduate Madison Polay explores the issue and the need for critical policy change.

Translating Public Health Research Illustration

Translating Public Health Research

Part 5 in Our 'What Is Public Health?' Video Series

In classrooms, labs, and communities, public health reveals deeper understandings about human health. But to empower populations and impact lives for the better, that knowledge has to be shared. In this new video from our 'What Is Public Health' series, learn how...

Family walking down the street

Making Family Planning a Household Name: The Legacy of Title X

Chloe Bakst

Title X provides for a diverse array of services, including medical care like contraception, training for nurses and other care providers, and systematic data collection. Despite fifty years of shrinking financial support, can it continue to be successful?