
construction worker working on a roof

Labor Organizing: An Unexpected Avenue to Health Equity

Leah R. Abrams, MPH ’17

Inequities in socioeconomic status or class are an essential cause of health differences in the US. On the surface, labor organizations might not appear to be about public health, but any group that aims to reduce social inequality is ultimately helping to reduce health disparities.

healthy food choices

Don't Fixate on Fifteen: Healthy Lifestyle Choices for College Freshmen

Ngan Nguyen

Between classes, studying, interacting with peers, engaging in student organizations, sleeping, and many other activities, it can be difficult for college students to make healthy eating choices and lead a balanced life. Focusing more on habits than on weight can help create a healthier lifestyle.

vaccines and syringes

Vaccines and Wealth: Another Take on the Unvaccinated

Sharoni Bandyopadhyay

With outbreaks in thirty states, debate surrounding vaccine safety and vaccine refusal has stirred. How do we continue to keep everyone safe from diseases we know how to prevent and what role do wealth disparities play vaccine non-compliance?

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Is Cow's Milk Essential for Human Health?

Chloe Pawloski

Is the consumption of cow’s milk essential for proper health? For decades, the USDA has been recommending multiple daily servings of dairy. How can humans consume all required nutrients from a diet free of dairy?