
Backyard Statistics

Working in Everyone's Backyard: Statistics in the Community

Stephen Salerno

Statistics in the Community is a community outreach organization offering the expertise of statistics graduate students—free of charge—to nonprofit organizations. They design studies, develop better data collection instruments, and analyze data for public good.

Cathleen M. Connell, PhD

Embracing Imprecision

Cathleen M. Connell, PhD

The word “innovation” comes with its own power, but that power is perceived differently by different people.

Meet Alice: Precision Health at Michigan Public Health

Meet Alice: Precision Health at Michigan Public Health

Sharon Kardia

Wherever precision health tools help us understand why people are getting sick or what makes them more likely to get sick, public health practitioners can create and advocate for interventions that can keep people out of the doctor's office in the first place.


How Language Impacts Public Health

Suzie Genyk

I often find myself wondering about the factors that brought an individual to their circumstance, whether it’s chronic disease, addiction, or homelessness that they experience.