
Norman Shumway and cardiologist Donald C. Harrison speak to the media after the historic 1968 transplant surgery (Getty Images).

Organ Donation: Public Awareness and Popular Media

Kashvi Gupta

As transplant surgeries become ever more successful and more socially accepted, demand for transplants goes up. But popular media do not always reflect the organ donation 
process accurately.

Future of Health Care Cell Phone Image

The Future of Health Care Is Public Health

Quian Callender & Marianthi Hatzigeorgiou

With a focus on consumer-driven enterprises and new opportunities in technology, management, and sustainability, the future of health care begins to look a lot like public health.

Cathleen M. Connell, PhD

Embracing Imprecision

Cathleen M. Connell, PhD

The word “innovation” comes with its own power, but that power is perceived differently by different people.


Navigating Team Dynamics: Lessons from Social Entrepreneurship

Kate Wilhelmi

With busy schedules, powerful passions, and different approaches to work, healthy tensions arise on any team. Michigan Public Health’s Kate shares a tool to help teammates work together for greater creativity, collaboration, and communication.

Anna Sadovnikova

3 Tips for Aspiring Public Health Entrepreneurs

Anna Sadovnikova

I never thought I could call myself an “entrepreneur” or a “businesswoman.” Even today, three years after co-founding a company and (finally) selling our product, I still hesitate to use those words to describe myself. But after listening to the success stories and failures of dozens of innovators, I’ve identified three key strategies that we all employ.