
IPE Townhall

The Interprofessional Team: Training the Next Generation of Collaborative Health Professionals

Olivia S. Anderson, MPH ’09, PhD ’13

Interprofessional collaboration, teamwork, communication, and intercultural intelligence are vital skills for a public health practitioner. As IPE is integrated into public health education, learners will interact and learn with peers in other health professions regularly and can bring their insights with them into their professional work life.


What's a Biobank, and How Can My Health Record Support Research?

Max Salvatore and Lauren Beesley

Advances in genetic science provide us more and more information about our health. Biobanks are increasing the organization of that data so we can ask and answer crucial health questions more rapidly, from diseases we might have to how we might respond to certain drug treatments.

Public health worker at disaster relief camp

Fighting Climate Change Effects with Public Health

Kelly Broen

As the frequency and intensity of natural disasters increases, public health can provide life-saving support in the aftermath. Disaster response research might not fall neatly into a single academic discipline, but we cannot allow disaster relief to fall through the cracks.

Kashvi Gupta outside the Gift of Life Michigan offices.

Organ Donation: Hesitations and Encouragements

Kashvi Gupta

Most Americans support organ donation, but only about half are registered as donors. Empirical data can help us understand our hesitations, but for many of us, becoming a donor is also an emotional decision.